Monday, January 6, 2014

Sexy Cosplay Girls And Anime Festival Ideas

No Joking, She's Hot

Hot, nerdy girls like to dress up in costumes for geeky events, like Comic-Con. This strange habit of dressing up as fictional characters was started by the Japanese and quickly spread to the United States. Who knows why they are willing to dress up in these skimpy outfits, but don't question it and enjoy these sexy cosplay girls!

She Has the Power

Which Female Super Hero Would Be Most Fun On Date--if??

Yes cosplay often offers more cheese than cheesecake, but the art of looking sexy while being dressed up as a cartoon character is a challenge not to be underestimated. And in our case that craft is not unappreciated; here are our picks (which are by no means scientific) for the sexiest cosplayers that we crossed paths with at the New York Anime Festival.

1 comment:

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